Main | Monday, December 14, 2009

FLORIDA: Gay Porn Actor Dies After After Tasering During Arrest

Towleroad reports that gay porn actor Dustin Michaels, 23, real name Andrew Grande, has died in Florida after being tasered by police as he attempted to swallow a baggie of marijuana. The entire incident was captured by a reality television crew riding with the police.
Just after 2AM Friday deputies responded to a disturbance call at the Executive Inn on front beach road. They say Grande pushed a female friend. A camera crew from Zoo Productions filmed what happened when deputies arrived. When one of the deputies tried to arrest him they say he resisted and stuffed something in his mouth. That's when at least one of the deputies shot him with a taser. They say he pulled the taser probes out of his body, that's when deputies noticed he was choking. Deputies performed the Hiemlich maneuver but could not dislodge the item. By the time EMS arrived, he was unconscious. One of the paramedics pulled a large bag of marijuana from his throat. He was pronounced dead at Bay Medical Center. "It's a tragic situation for our officers, a tragic situation for this young man and his family. What started out to be a simple disturbance call, could have been handled by compliance by this individual, simply giving the officers the marijuana," explained Sheriff Frank McKeithen.
You may not want to watch the disturbing video.

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