Main | Friday, January 08, 2010

Virginia Police Issue Missing Persons Report For Lisa Miller And Daughter

"Ex-gay" Lisa Miller and her daughter Isabella remain on the lam, one week after a Vermont judge ordered Miller to surrender custody of Isabella to Miller's ex-partner, Janet Jenkins. Yesterday the Bedford County, Virginia sheriff's office issued a missing persons report for the pair, saying that while no Virginia laws have been broken, they do want proof that the pair is safe.

However on Monday the Virginia Civil Liberty Union reported that a local court order has been issued requiring that Miller surrender the child. The VCLU says they fully expect Virginian authorities to enforce the order. But on Wednesday, a Rutland Family Court judge said he wants to "hear all arguments" before issuing any arrest warrant. That hearing is scheduled for January 22nd. Miller's lawyers, the anti-gay Liberty Counsel, home to bigots Mat Staver and Matt Barber, have appealed the original Vermont ruling, but have remained silent on the Virginia court order. In fact, they have been "unavailable for comment" ever since Miller and her daughter went into hiding.

According to earlier reports, Lisa Miller specifically chose to flee to Virginia because "pro-family" lawyers had advised her that was the state least likely to abide by the Vermont ruling. With the Rutland County judge dragging his feet to order an arrest warrant, it appears that might have been good advice. Now it seems that we'll have to wait and see if Miller and her Liberty Counsel lawyers even bother to appear for the Jan. 22nd hearing, or if they'll continue to defy the Vermont court and illegally cloak the whereabouts of Miller and Isabella.

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