Main | Saturday, February 20, 2010

CPAC: Ron Paul Wins 2012 Straw Poll

Loony tune Ron Paul won today's CPAC straw poll on potential 2012 GOP presidential candidates. CPAC's annual straw poll is a closely watched indicator of the rising or falling stars of conservative politicians, although its results aren't necessarily predictive of future electoral success.
A libertarian from Texas who has railed against spending and the Federal Reserve, Paul won the Saturday contest at the Conservative Political Action Conference with 31 percent backing. He has sought the presidential nomination in the past and attracted a following among a segment of voters frustrated with Washington. Paul spoke at the conference along with potential presidential candidates former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts and Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota. Romney won second with 22 percent, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin came in third with 7 percent and Pawlenty finished with 6 percent.
The CPAC crowd booed upon the announcement of the results. Ron Paul's followers are known to pack out these types of conventions and freep event polling.

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