Illinois: GOP Pol Sues Over Atheism Sign

Kelly named Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White, who is responsible for enforcing state property regulations, as defendant. "The language in the sign at issue stating 'Religion is just a myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds' is speech that evidences disapproval and hostility toward religion," the case continues.In December, Kelly was escorted from the Capitol Building by state police after turning the sign around so it could not be read."Further, that speech is attributable to the defendant by virtue of the defendant approving the sign, despite the Illinois Administrative Code expressly prohibiting the sign, and by its placement of the sign next to the described displays in the Capitol Building." "We need to stop the hate speech against Christians and all religious people," Kelly said in a statement released along with the announcement about the lawsuit. "It is this attitude of hate that has enabled the stripping of religion, tradition, and history from our holidays, our history books, and our culture in general. Perhaps the atheists need some sensitivity training."
Labels: atheism, GOP, Illinois, religion, William Kelly