Main | Monday, February 22, 2010

Top Iraq GI Supports DADT Repeal, White House Won't Commit To Timetable

Recently we've seen been nonstop support for the repeal of DADT from the upper echelons of the armed services.
The top commanding general in Iraq says he thinks everyone - gay and straight - should be allowed to serve in the military "as long as we are still able to fight our wars." The comment by Gen. Raymond Odierno (Oh-dee-AIR-no) is among the first to come from a senior military leader currently leading troops in battle since the Pentagon announced earlier this month that it will study the issue. Odierno helped lead a troop buildup in Iraq that reduced violence and has paved the way for a planned reduction of U.S. forces.
Yet today White House spokeswaffle Robert Gibbs refused to commit to a 2010 repeal attempt.

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