Main | Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Fight Back New York Gets "Counter Punch" From Anti-Gay Christian Group

In an apparent response to the formation of Fight Back New York, the new LGBT PAC aimed at defeating anti-gay New York politicians, here comes Counter Punch, a campaign of the New Yorkers For Constitutional Freedom. Their mission statement: "This ministry exists to influence legislation and legislators for the Lord Jesus Christ." Here's what they say about Fight Back New York's anti-Monserrate campaign:
Although we cannot defend Senator Monserrate’s conduct which led to his removal from the Senate, it is clear that the goal of Fight Back New York is to replace him with someone who embraces the “gay agenda.” This is a political punch, nothing more. Bill Smith, a spokesman for Fight Back made this clear by stating, “Politicians who deny gays and lesbians basic equality should be thrown out of office, starting with a convicted criminal Hiram Monserrate.” Smith is also the Deputy Executive Director of the Gill Action Fund based in Colorado which was very involved in the last election cycle.

It’s going to be a tough choice for many voters in this special election. They’ll have to choose between a former senator convicted of a misdemeanor, who is now repentant and paying the price for his sin, or a sitting Assemblyman who supports same-sex marriage. Fight Back New York has drawn a line in the sand. They intend to force the gay agenda on New York by electing politicians sympathetic to their cause. Christians, we need wake up and fight to preserve our values.
And here's their strange video to support their upcoming lobby day in Albany.

(Via - Good As You)

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