Friendly Voices - Taylor Reveley
"Let’s be clear that William & Mary neither discriminates against people nor tolerates discrimination on our campus. Those of us at W&M insist that members of our campus community be people of integrity who have both the capacity to meet their responsibilities to the university and the willingness to engage others with civility and respect.
"We do not insist, however, that members of our community possess any other particular characteristics, whether denominated in race, religion, nationality, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other of the myriad personal characteristics that differentiate human beings. We certainly do not discriminate against people on such grounds, or tolerate discrimination against them. This is the way we live our lives together at William & Mary, because we believe this is the way we should live our lives together. This is not going to change." - William & Mary president Taylor Reveley, stating his disobedience to Virginia AG Ken Cuchinelli's edict that state schools should not protect LGBT employees from job discrimination.
(Via - Pam's House Blend)
Labels: Bob McDonnell, education, Friendly Voices, Ken Cuchinelli, LGBT rights, Taylor Reveley, Virginia