Georgia School OK's Gay Prom Date

At his high school, prom dates from outside counties must be approved in advance, so Martin went to his principal and asked. “At first she said no, Cochran wasn’t ready for it,” he said. Then last week, school officials said they have no policy in place against it. “You don’t have the right to say no,” principal Michelle Masters said. “As a principal, I don’t judge him. I’m taught not to judge. I have to push my own beliefs to the background.” She’s just hoping it won’t become an issue in the community and distract from juniors and seniors who have looked forward to the event all school year. As fellow senior Errin Lucas put it, “Have you seen Cochran? There is nothing else to live for.” Charlotte Pipkin, the superintendent of schools, said the school board didn’t take any votes on Martin’s request, but the board did discuss the matter during a board meeting. “Students are allowed to bring their date to prom,” Pipkin said. “There’s nothing that says who the date is. “I want this to be an enjoyable event, and I don’t want anything to take away from that,” she added.Derrick, who is an honors student who tutors at-risk students, says he will take out insurance on his rented tux, just in case there's trouble with anti-gay students. The school is providing security for the prom.
Labels: Constance McMillen, education, gay youth, Georgia