Main | Saturday, March 27, 2010

TEXAS: Gay Jesus Play Canceled

And the censors win. Last night Tarleton State University of Texas issued this brief press release:
The four student-directed plays, including “Corpus Christi,” scheduled to be performed at Tarleton State University on Saturday, March 27, 2010, have been canceled this evening by the professor. The professor cited safety and security concerns for the students as well as the need to maintain an orderly academic environment as reasons for canceling the plays. The performance of these four class plays will not be rescheduled.
The cancellation came directly after Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst blasted the production: "Every citizen is entitled to the freedom of speech, but no one should have the right to use government funds or institutions to portray acts that are morally reprehensible to the vast majority of Americans."

And that's that. Apparently, in Texas one cannot even put on a play of their own choosing at 8am on a Saturday morning to a private audience. I expect this will embolden the Christianists. What will be their next target?

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