Main | Sunday, April 25, 2010

This Week In Holy Crimes

Over the last seven days...

Maryland: Pastor Jerry Darnell Bartley charged with molesting a 13 year old boy.
Maine: Pastor Colin Haag and his wife arrested for kidnapping his wife's children from their biological father.
Wisconsin: The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) has filed a 55-page lawsuit against the Pope for shielding the crimes of pedophile priests.
Tennessee: Father Bill Casey arrested for molesting a 10 year old boy.
Brazil: Monsignor Luiz Marques Barbosa arrested on multiple counts of child molestation.
Wisconsin: Pastor Leonard Van Vlaenderen charged with embezzling from his church.
Indiana: Court rules that Father Francis Markey can be extradited to Ireland to face charges of child molestation.
Alaska: Pastor Shawn Anthony Justice charged with 12 counts of sexual abuse of a female minor.
Wisconsin: Pastor John West charged with conspiracy to sell heroin.
Texas: Pastor Robert John Weber charged with ten counts of sexual assault on a 15 year old girl.
Indiana: Pastor Ernest M. Beal Jr charged with stealing the trust funds of residents of the group home for mentally challenged adults that he manages.
Illinois: Father Alejandro Flores charged with molesting an 8 year old boy. Flores is already in jail awaiting trial for molesting the boy's older brother.
Ireland: Father Eugene Lewis charged with 11 counts of sexual assault on three pre-teen sisters.
Belgium: Bishop Roger Vangheluwe has resigned after confessing to child molestation.

This Week's Winner
Utah: Pastor Kris Lounsbury has been charged with two counts of rape and aggravated sexual abuse of a ten year old girl. Lounsbury was a GOP candidate for Congress in 2006, running on a platform of abolishing the income tax, deporting illegal immigrants, abolishing the United Nations, and fighting LGBT rights laws. In January 2009 he posted a recording of a sermon calling for imprecatory prayer curses against President Obama. In the linked clip, Lounsbury rails against the repeal of DADT, saying that "you have no idea how vicious these homosexuals can be."

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