Main | Monday, May 03, 2010

American Family Association Responds To Arrest Of Anti-Gay UK Preacher

The American Family Association is quick out of the box to denounce the homofascists behind the arrest of a British preacher for calling homosexuality a sin. AFA radio host Bryan Fischer:
I've often said we will have to choose between homosexuality and religious liberty, because we can't have both. Every advance of the homosexual agenda comes at the expense of religious freedom. Every piece of turf taken by homosexual activists is turf taken from those who believe in freedom of conscience, speech and religious expression. More proof from England, in a piece from the London Daily Mail. You will note the Christian in question is a layman, who got hauled off to jail for doing nothing more than gently but publicly declaring that homosexuality is a sin. Further, take note that the charge against him was "using abusive or insulting words or behavior." Remember how we've been told that "hate crimes" laws do not punish speech? Well, think again.
Fischer has previously called for the criminalization of homosexuality and the forced internment of gays for "reparative therapy. He's also claimed that according to the Bible, staffers at Sea World should be put to death over the recent killer whale incident.

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