Main | Wednesday, June 30, 2010

HomoQuotable - Jimmy LaSalvia

"The decision by the leadership of the gay left to support the Arizona boycott over an issue totally unrelated to gay rights shows just how beholden they are to the union bosses. The Arizona boycott is being spear-headed by the Service Employees International Union, and the law at the center of the boycott has nothing even tangentially to do with the rights of gay and lesbian Americans lawfully in this country.

"The decision to participate in this boycott, over the objections of local groups like the Greater Phoenix Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, puts the interests of organized labor over those of the gay and lesbian Arizonans hurt by this protest. Whether it’s current boycotts, like the Arizona boycott or the boycott of the Manchester Hyatt in San Diego, or previous boycotts, like the boycott of Coor’s Brewing – Gay, Inc. is always willing to do the bidding of the big union bosses, regardless of its impact on gays and lesbians." - GOProud executive director Jimmy LaSalvia, via press release.

Both the Human Rights Campaign and the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force have endorsed a boycott of Arizona.

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