Main | Friday, July 02, 2010

BRITAIN: Top Medical Association Declares Conversion Therapy To Be Harmful

The British Medical Association yesterday declared "ex-gay" therapies to be harmful and called for investigating any doctor that attempts to "cure" homosexuality. Via Pink News:
The body met in Brighton yesterday and more than two-thirds of doctors present backed a call for the Royal College of Psychiatrists and other mental health standard-setting bodies to reject the treatments and ban their use in codes of practice. Health departments should also investigate alleged cases of conversion therapy being funded by the NHS, the meeting agreed. Research published last year found that a sixth of registered British therapist and psychiatrists have attempted to "cure" patients of homosexuality. Tom Dolphin, the proposer of the motion and the vice-chair of the BMA's junior doctors committee, said: "Sexuality is such a fundamental part of who a person is that attempts to change it just result in significant confusion, depression and even suicide.
RELATED: In February UK-based reporter Patrick Strudwick went undercover and exposed the abuses of British doctors engaging in conversion therapy.

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