Main | Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rolls Eyes

After ejecting a woman from their meeting because she rolled her eyes at them, the Elmhurst, Illinois city council is looking into making the gesture illegal.
Members of the Elmhurst city council have asked the City Attorney to look into the creation of a "disturbance and disorderly conduct" violation and to see if eye-rolling could somehow be shoehorned into its definition. Illinois state law defines disorderly conduct is "an act in such unreasonable manner as to alarm or disturb another, or to provoke a breach of the peace." While she apparently is against a prohibition on eye-rolling, the Elmhurst citizen who was booted from the meeting says she's all for having a definition of disorderly conduct in the city's books. "I'd like for them (city officials) to have a better understanding of the open meetings act and its meaning and to understand what disorderly conduct is," she explained.
Next on the council's agenda: talking to the hand. In NYC, the Duane Reade employee eye-roll is considered high art.

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