Main | Friday, September 24, 2010

NEW YORK: NOM Files Suit In Attempt To Evade State Campaign Finance Laws

As they have done in other states, the National Organization for Marriage has filed a lawsuit against the New York Elections Board, saying they shouldn't have to comply with state campaign finance disclosure laws. Julie Bolcer reports at the Advocate:
The complaint against the state board of elections was filed on September 16, two days after the primary election, in the U.S. district court for the western district of New York, according to a copy provided by the pro-equality PAC Fight Back New York. It reflects a similar effort from the group last year in Maine, where a marriage equality law was repealed. In the complaint signed by NOM executive director Brian Brown, the group says that it intends to engage in speech including “radio ads, television ads, direct mail and publicly accessible Internet postings of its radio ads and direct mail” in the western district of New York, which includes Buffalo, in September and October 2010. “NOM does not wish to reveal the legislators’ names in this complaint, because it does not wish to divulge its strategy at this early date,” says the complaint.
NOM has yet to comply with the August court ruling that they must disclose the names of their donors in Maine, saying they plan to appeal.

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