Main | Thursday, October 14, 2010

COLORADO: Teabagger Billboard Depicts President Obama As Gay Man

A billboard just erected in Grand Junction, Colorado depicts the president as a gay man, a terrorist, a Mexican, and a gangster. The characters are shown playing poker using the Bible and the Constitution as betting stakes.
The artist who designed the billboard, Paul Snover, won't say who paid him $500 to create the image. But he did explain what the unidentified man wanted to say: "He doesn't care for what Obama is doing for the country and wanted to get that across to the people of Grand Junction and possibly around the country," Snover told NBC11. "He was wanting to represent the influences he saw the president as having in his administration," he told KJCT8. The Obamas are surrounded by rats named FED, EPA and "trial lawyers," and vultures named after George Soros and the United Nations.
The local leaders of both major parties have denounced the billboard as "disrespectful."

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