Family Research Council: The Obama Administration Is Planning To Kill DOMA

When a federal district court ruled in July that DOMA was unconstitutional, it fell to Obama's Justice Department to fight for the law. But so far, the fight has been one-sided. As of this week, the Department of Justice (DOJ) hadn't lifted a finger to appeal the ruling. Enter Congressman Lamar Smith (R-Texas). If the federal government won't defend its own marriage law, then he will. Together with the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF), the GOP's ranking member on the House Judiciary committee is petitioning the U.S. District Court of Massachusetts to intervene. And just in the nick of time.
By the Left's calculations, the deadline for entering an appeal is this Tuesday, October 12th. If the motion succeeds, Rep. Smith will fill the vacuum left by this administration. In a press release announcing the partnership, ADF points out " The DOJ's current DOMA defense, which happens to fit the current administration's policy preferences, is really no defense at all." As the motion states, "The DOJ's [indifference] is especially alarming here because people have the right to rely on the government to make a good defense of laws passed by their congressional representatives." Now that Congressman Smith has called their bluff, it will be interesting to see how the DOJ's attorneys respond. Ironically, the October 12th deadline falls right after National Coming Out Day. I wonder if the administration will take the opportunity to come out of the closet about its strategy to kill DOMA?
Labels: Alliance Defense Fund, bigotry, DOMA, Family Reseach Council, Obama administration, religion, Tony Perkins