Main | Tuesday, October 12, 2010

GOProud BFF Ann Coulter Defends Carl Paladino As "Great Warrior"

Ann Coulter thinks Carl Paladino is a noble warrior for hating the gays so fiercely.
Speaking to Bill O'Reilly on Fox News Monday, Coulter said she felt the need to come to the Republican's defense after it seemed everyone else had stopped backing him. "I think someone on this network should [defend him]," she said, calling Paladino a "great warrior" who wants to lower taxes. Asked about the specifics of the speech — in which Paladino warned against letting children be "brainwashed" into thinking homosexuality is an "equally valid or successful option" — Coulter said the candidate was just giving his socially conservative audience the red meat it wanted.
Hey Christopher Barron, how do ya like your girl now?

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