Main | Tuesday, October 05, 2010

GEORGIA: Ku Klux Klan To Rally In Support Of Anti-Gay College Student

You may recall Jennifer Keeton, the counseling graduate student who refused to treat gays because "homosexuality is immoral and changeable." Keeton became the darling of the Peter LaBarberas of the haterverse when she sued Augusta State University for requiring that she undergo a remediation course on accepting gays in order to continue her education. Keeton lost that case, but while she and her attorneys at the anti-gay Alliance Defense Fund attempt an appeal, the KKK has their backs.
The Ku Klux Klan will hold a rally in support of an Augusta State University counseling student who claims her First Amendment rights were violated when the school ordered her to learn more about the homosexual community. Bobby Spurlock, Imperial Wizard Knighthawk and Grand Dragon of South Carolina and North Carolina, said today they have met with school officials and plan to protest the school’s treatment of 24-year-old Jennifer Keeton on Oct. 23 from 1 to 4 p.m. They will be in full dress and located across from the school’s main Walton Way entrance in the median at Fleming Avenue. Spurlock said they believe Keeton’s First Amendment rights were violated when the school required her to participate in a remediation program after she objected to counseling homosexuals. “It's your constitutional right so how could you tell someone you have to do something completely different?,” Spurlock said.
Peter LaBarbera and the KKK, both on the same side of hate. Feels like a perfect match.

CORRECTION: I mistakenly placed this story in South Carolina at first. My apologies!

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