Main | Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Susan Sarandon On The Word "Tranny"

Rocky Horror star Susan Sarandon thinks the controversy over Glee's usage of the word "tranny" is overblown.
Susan Sarandon has no patience for the P.C. brigade - or TV. "Glee" recently took on her 1975 cult hit "The Rocky Horror Picture Show," only to come under fire from GLAAD for using the word "tranny." When we caught up with Sarandon, she said the controversy puzzled her. "What should they have said?" she asked, adding that she knew plenty of people who proudly called themselves "trannies." GLAAD, she said, was "getting like PETA - way out of control." (Not that Sarandon is invested in "Glee" and its dramas. "Now that my kids are gone," she said, "I don't watch TV at all.")
GLAAD fires back: "The word 'tra—y' has become an easy punch line in popular culture and many still don't realize that using the term is hurtful, dehumanizing and associated with violence."

UPDATE: GLAAD writes to invite you read their discussion of the above-referenced Rocky Horror episode of Glee.

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