Focus On The Family: Satan Totally Wants You To Be Transgender
"Humans are made in the image of God – male and female. Satan, our enemy, hates God, and wants to deface God’s likeness wherever he can. We are all sinners, deeply impacted by our own sinfulness and enmity toward God, by the sins of others and by life in a fallen world. Gender confusion is one example of human brokenness.
"At the same time, God tells us the truth, and we must remain committed to speaking the truth: to the church, to the culture and in the political arena. Individuals are male or female. People can’t 'transition' from one to the other. I haven’t seen a third human gender discovered, and humanity is not 'multi-gendered.'" - Focus On The Family blogger Jeff Johnson.
(Tipped by JMG reader Kendall)
Labels: assholery, bigotry, Focus On The Family, hate groups, religion, transgender issues