PhoboQuotable - Porno Pete LaBarbera
"I believe this is the most important congressional vote and national debate on homosexuality in the USA — ever. If we lose, it will usher in a sea-change of pro homosexual political correctness — not just on our Armed Forces, but on the rests of society, as a Brave, New, ‘Gay’-affirming military will be held up as the new 'civil rights' paradigm for the rest of America (God help us). And as sure as New Years Day follows Christmas, the Homosexual Lobby will seize upon this (giant) opening and push for more and more pro-homosexuality policy changes in the military — including same-sex partner benefits, 'married' housing for homosexual Service members, sweeping gay 'diversity' propaganda for our troops, etc. What a Christmas 'gift' for our military men and women! (More like a huge, rainbow-striped lump of coal). - Porno Pete LaBarbera, screeching about tomorrow's DADT vote. And for the third or fourth time, LaBarbera illustrates his post with the above altered version of Good As You blogger Jeremy Hooper's wedding photo.
Labels: bigotry, closet cases, DADT, douchenozzles, Peter LaBarbera, PhoboQuotable, religion