KENTUCKY: State GOP Rep Wants To Legalize Bullying By Christian Students
Tea Party-backed Kentucky state GOP Rep. Mike Harmon wants to make it legal for Christian students to bully gay kids about their sexuality. And he's filed an amendment to a pending anti-bullying bill that says so.
Harmon has filed an amendment that would allow students to condemn other students' sexual preferences as long as that expression of a religious belief does not include physical harm or damaging property. "If someone, just in conversation, said, 'You know, I think homosexuality is a sin,' well we don't want that child to be bullied because they have a certain moral or religious belief," said Harmon, "And we don't want them, certainly don't want them to be labeled a bully just because they have that particular belief."The Democrat who sponsored the bill responds: "I would ask Mike Harmon, 'What would Jesus do?' Would He bully people based on religion? I don't think so."
Labels: assholism, bigotry, bullying, Christian Love, GOP, Kentucky, religion, Tea Party, teabaggers