Main | Wednesday, March 09, 2011

MARYLAND: Marriage Bill Survives Four Hostile Amendment Attempts

After voting down four hostile GOP amendments, the Maryland House of Delegates has just voted to advance its marriage equality bill to a third (and possibly final) reading tomorrow. Here are the failed poison pills offered by the enemies of equality:

Amendment 1: "This Act may not be construed to require an entity to provide adoption, foster care, or social services if providing the services would violate the entity's religious beliefs."
Amendment 2: "Providing that, in a public school that offers instruction involving materials that promote same-sex marriage, a public school teacher may not be required to teach the materials and a parent shall be given an opportunity to have the parent’s child excused from the instruction under certain circumstances."
Amendment 3: "Change title of Act to 'Same-Sex Marriage Act'."
Amendment 4: "To require a public referendum on same-same marriage."

All of the above provided to JMG readers via email by openly gay Delegate Luke Clippinger.

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