Main | Friday, April 22, 2011

NOM Defector Louis Marinelli: Brian Brown Told Me To Make The Gays Look Crazy

In his latest blog post, NOM defector Louis Marinelli reveals how Brian Brown told him to make sure that his photos made gay counter-protesters look "crazy." According to Marinelli, that tactic backfired.
What you don’t know is that in an e-mail I received from Brian Brown, he essentially instructed me to specifically take ‘crazy’ photos of gays and lesbians. His short and to the point e-mail dated July 19, 2010 wrote: "I need crazy pictures of our opponents." What is particularly necessary to point out is that his call for ‘crazy photos’ of NOM’s opponents was in response to an e-mail I sent to him six minutes earlier that simply wrote: “Here is a picture of our supporters before the protesters arrived.” The photo I took showing the size and location of our supporters wasn’t enough. Mr. Brown was dedicated to painting the LGBT community and their supporters as crazy. They used that word themselves in public on their blog! To this day, I still don’t condone the actions that some of the counter-protesters took to stand against us. They were wrong when I opposed marriage equality and still believe so today. From that point forward my job was, among other things, to take those ‘crazy’ photos that would be used as propaganda against the LGBT community. At least until the propaganda backfired, anyway. Many people who would have otherwise came out to support us, let us know that they were scared of what the counter-protesters might do and decided to stay home the day we were coming to town.
You may recall that at the protest shown in the above photo, NOM claimed that the man with the two elderly dogs brought them to intimidate attendees.

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