"What this ruling does is it puts the rights of adults and their preferences ahead of what's best for children, and that's a sad thing and a bad day for the foster and adoptive children of Arkansas. The court simply ignored the will of the people, took matters into their own hands and looked at the people and said, 'What you think doesn't matter; we're going to have the final word in this.' And they took control of the issue and struck down a good law that's there for the welfare of children." - Arkansas Family Policy Council spokesbigot
Jerry Cox, lamenting the "judicial activism" of yesterday's state Supreme Court ruling.
In 2008 an Arkansas voter referendum against gay adoption was approved by 57% of the state's voters. Cox and his group are now threatening to "boot from office" the state Supreme Court, as was done last year in Iowa over same-sex marriage, where three justices lost their jobs.
Labels: Arkansas, bigotry, gay adoption, hate groups, LGBT rights, religion