Main | Friday, April 29, 2011

RHODE ISLAND: Catholic Diocese Calls On Assembly To Kill Civil Unions

Following the collapse of Rhode Island's same-sex marriage bill, a civil unions bill is now being floated as a "compromise." And of course, the Catholic Church is early out of the gate with their denouncement.
We hope that those members of the Rhode Island General Assembly who have consistently supported traditional marriage will stay steadfast in their opposition to the legal recognition of same-sex relationships as either marriage or civil unions. Government sanctioned civil unions cannot be supported by those who truly understand the unique nature and status afforded a man and a woman in marriage. We call upon the members of the Rhode Island House and Senate to cast aside such compromises and rather work to strengthen marriage in our state by passing a Defense of Marriage Bill that clearly defines marriage as between one man and one woman. Only then will the attempts by radical activists to redefine marriage and undermine family life in Rhode Island finally be stopped. Civil Unions are not the answer.

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