Main | Thursday, May 19, 2011

Prayer Of The Day

The Family Research Council-sponsored hate group Watchmen On The Wall are asking their followers to pray that Tennessee approves its pending ban on local LGBT rights laws.
May Tennessee enact this bill to prevent ENDA-like ordinances! May Congress do so likewise, if the President dares to circumvent Congress by issuing an ENDA-like Executive Order! (Dt 8:11-20; Is 5:20-21, 23; Rom 1:24-32; Jude 7)
NOTE: Watchmen On The Walls (plural) was founded by Pink Swastika author and pedophile-protector Scott Lively. On the west coast they are known for their violently anti-gay membership comprised of Slavic immigrants. Watchmen On The Wall is the FRC group. Thanks to Jim Burroway at Box Turtle Bulletin for the clarification.

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