Quote Of The Day - Barbra Streisand

"I think it’s unfair to blame me for the movie [The Normal Heart] not getting made. After all, Larry has had the rights for the last 15 years and he couldn’t get it made, either. Those are the facts, and none of this is news to Larry. More recently, he sent me a note before giving the project to another director, asking me again if I wanted to direct it—but only with his screenplay. As a filmmaker, I couldn’t have my hands tied like that. What if I needed to make changes? What if I needed to have something rewritten? Sadly, I turned his offer down and wished him well. It’s been very hard for me to find a piece that I feel as passionate about. I will always believe in Larry’s play and its powerful theme about everyone’s right to love." - Barbara Streisand, responding to Larry Kramer's claim that she wanted to to rewrite the movie to make the doctor character (to be played by Babs) the real star.
Full Streisand's full response on her website.
Labels: Barbra Streisand, HIV/AIDS, Larry Kramer, movies, Quote Of The Day