Main | Tuesday, June 07, 2011

PhoboQuotable - Randy Thomasson

"Wake up, parents. Public schools are no longer for the public. They're government institutions that think that you're children are their children -- and they are going to turn them into homosexual, bisexual, transsexual political activists. Just wait now until Harvey Milk is on a weekday next year, and it's going to be what? Anything goes. It could be gay pride parades on campus; it could be mock gay weddings on campus; it could be essays, mandatory homework saying why Harvey Milk, a bad guy, was a great guy. I mean, this is in-your-face stuff." - Christianist hate group spokesbigot Randy Thomasson of Save California, who says that Harvey Milk Day will unleash a "tsunami of perversity" in public schools.

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