SAN FRANCISCO: "Foreskin Man" Comic Riles Opponents Of Circumcision Ban

Saunders asked Hess if his comic is anti-Semitic. His answer: "A lot of people have said that, but we're not trying to be anti-Semitic. We're trying to be pro-human rights." He told her the "next issue will deal with a different kind of circumcision."Meantime, Hess is pushing his political effort with other dark, threatening images of Jewish characters. His "Foreskin Man" card set being sold through Cafe Press feautures the terrifying-looking "Monster Mohel." The astounding description of a person qualified to perform the Jewish rite of circumcision: "Nothing excites Monster Mohel more than cutting into the infantile penile flesh of an eight day old boy."
Labels: California, circumcision, religion, San Francisco