Survey: Most Oppose San Francisco's Pending Ban On Male Circumcision

San Francisco voters 4:1 oppose a ballot measure that would make it against the law to circumcise any male child under the age of 18, according to a SurveyUSA poll conducted exclusively for KPIX-TV. The city lines up on circumcision this way:
* 26% see it as a harmless tradition.
* 47% see it as a medical procedure whose health benefits outweigh the health risks.
* 8% see it as a medical procedure whose risks outweigh the benefits.
* 9% see it as mutilation.Women by 2:1 say they would circumcise a boy if they had a male baby today. Men split. Regardless of their feelings about circumcision, San Franciscans by 8:1 say the government should not be involved. Jewish voters oppose the ballot measure 18:1.
Labels: circumcision, religion, San Francisco, sexuality