Main | Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tony Perkins On New York Marriage

"New York's legislative session isn't the only thing that ends next Monday--so could the state's definition of marriage. After a frantic month of lobbying, the state senate is teetering dangerously close to passing a same-sex "marriage" law. Two years after voting the measure down, homosexual activists are back. And this time, they have the support of four senators who helped kill the bill the last time around.

"Three Democrats and one Republican (Sen. James Alesi of Rochester) say their opinions have 'evolved' and now pledge to make New York the sixth--and largest state--to legalize counterfeit marriage. Part of the reason for that 'evolution' is the grassroots involvement. According to local leaders, the Left has been pumping calls into their offices. In 2009, Sen. Joseph Addabbo said that values voters had overwhelmed his phone lines with opposition. This month, he told the New York Times, there was no contest. More than 4,830 anti-marriage activists asked him to vote in favor of it." - Family Research Council head bigot Tony Perkins, via press release.

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