Main | Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Bishops Denounce RI Civil Unions

Unsurprisingly, Catholic Bishops are ever so pissed about Rhode Island's civil unions bill.
“In no way can civil union measures be considered a permissible compromise or a step in advancing the common good, said Bishop Salvatore J. Cordileone, Chairman of the U.S. bishops' Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage, in a July 1 statment. “Instead, they directly violate principles of justice and accelerate the push to redefine marriage itself.” The bill, likely to be signed by Governor Lincoln Chafee, would allow same-sex couples to enter into a “legal union” with “all the rights , benefits, protections, and responsibilities” as those of people who are married,” according to a statement released by the Senate. The bill passed with a vote of 21-16. Speaking on behalf of the U.S. bishops, Bishop Cordileone said that marriage, “the communion of husband and wife,” is a unique reality that has no equivalent. He also noted that the legalization of civil unions in Rhode Island would harm the unique status and meaning of marriage, and promote the “crossing of moral boundaries.”

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