Main | Friday, July 15, 2011

Quote Of The Day - Regan Hofmann

"I find it disconcerting that so many HIV treatment activists today, many of whom are living with HIV themselves, are wildly supportive of a prevention modality that has no benefit to people living with HIV other than arguably allowing HIV-positive people to have unprotected sex with HIV-negative people with a reduced risk of transmitting HIV, a risk that would be reduced further if the positive person was on treatment themselves. And especially when all activists could be advocating as vociferously for universal access to care for all people living with HIV; a prevention modality that has the added benefit of saving tens of millions of lives while stopping the spread of AIDS dead in its tracks. [snip] Make no mistake: PrEP is a profit-driven sex toy for rich Westerners, disguised as a harm-reduction and prevention tool for disenfranchised people at risk for HIV. And it's coming to a drugstore near you soon." - Regan Hofmann, Poz Magazine editor-in-chief.

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