Main | Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Anti-Gay Group Claims To Have Signatures To Place SB 48 Repeal On CA Ballot

Via Los Angeles Weekly:
"Stop SB 48," the group that wants to repeal a state law that allows California students to learn about important people in history who were gay, claimed in an email to supporters yesterday afternoon that its petition drive for a ballot measure will be successful. "The signed petitions are coming in at an incredible rate -- tens of thousands a day," the email reads. "It looks like we are going to make the goal of more than 500,000 valid signatures all delivered to our Sacramento office by October 10." Gay rights activists have said that the anti-gay history initiative would be difficult to defeat in June, 2012, when the ballot measure would go before California voters.
If they do have the signatures, we know how they got them.

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