Busted Preacher: The Gays Did It

Himes was required to surrender his passport and will next appear in District Court on either Oct. 6 or Oct. 20. He didn't keep a low profile after leaving the Ravalli County jail, though. Peter Christian of KGVO radio's "Talkback" show mentioned the charges against Himes on Thursday morning and Himes called in to respond. He told Christian he is an attorney, but knows better than to represent himself. Himes went on to claim that gay and pro-abortion activists may be behind the charges against him and co-defendant James "Jeb" Bryant, another self-proclaimed pastor. Himes further claimed that State Insurance Commissioner Monica Lindeen may also be behind the charges because of political disagreements they've had in the past. Other callers quickly, and forcefully, called him out for making groundless accusations.Himes is also an attorney who volunteers for the anti-gay Alliance Defense Fund. He maintains a blog on Andrew Breitbart's Big Government site.