Main | Saturday, October 15, 2011

Log Cabin Republicans Shut Down Dallas Chapter Over Charges Of Racism

The Log Cabin Republicans have dissolved their Dallas chapter after its president told a national radio audience that businesses should have the right to fire people for being black. Lucas Grindley reports at the Advocate:
Robert Schlein, who was president of the defunct Dallas chapter, regularly writes op-eds for the Dallas Voice that cause a stir, and one such column got him to be a guest on the Michelangelo Signorile radio show in September. During the back-and-forth, somehow Schlein got on a train of logic that concluded this way: "Texas is a right-to-work state. So as an employer, which I am, I can fire anybody at will," Schlein claimed. "You cannot fire somebody for being African-American," Signorile objected. "Well, I wouldn’t tell them," Schlein said. "You wouldn’t tell them, but you’d do it anyway?" Signorile asked. "I’d find a reason if I wanted to fire them," Schlein said, defending discrimination against black people while trying to prove an antidiscrimination law would make no difference to LGBT people.
Schlein claims he's actually being fired because he invited the leaders of GOProud to speak to his chapter. He has joined in the comments thread at the above-linked Advocate article.

UPDATE: Gay Patriot (who is a board member of GOProud) manages to blog the situation without any mention of the radio show or the racism angle.

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