Main | Friday, October 07, 2011

MINNESOTA: Karl Rove Gets Glittered

From the clip description:
At the Minnesota Faith and Freedom Coalition strategy session about the upcoming ballot measure seeking to re-write the state constitution to ban marriages for same-sex couples, Republican Party hit-man Karl Rove, and congressman Erik Paulsen were showered with glitter by a group of equality advocates who call themselves "The Glitterati." The event was set to award Paulsen with a "Friend of the Family" award for his efforts to put the anti-family constitutional amendment on the ballot in Minnesota for 2012. "You're no friend to my family!" exclaimed Michael Cahill, as he showered Erik Paulsen with glitter. A few hours later Karl Rove was doused in glitter by a second glitterati member at a book signing at the same event.

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