Main | Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Romney Writing Is On The Wall

"We can not let presidential politics divide us or distract us from the task of building a winning majority of people with shared values. In particular, members of the LDS church should not be attacked or made to feel unwelcome for their faith by the left or the right. People of all faiths, and no faith, are welcome to join us to fight to protect marriage as the union of husband and wife-- Evangelicals, Catholics, Jews, LDS, Eastern Orthodox, African-Americans, whites, Hispanics, we are the true diverse rainbow coalition: fighting for the rights of all Americans to vote for marriage. We welcome Pastor Jeffers' acknowledgement that Romney is a 'good and moral man' and that he would support Romney if he were the GOP nominee." - NOM president Brian Brown, who has taken a shitload of (undisclosed) anti-gay donations from the Mormon Church.

RELATED: NJ Gov. Chris Cristie will announce his endorsement of Mitt Romney at a press conference this afternoon.

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