NEW YORK CITY: Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer First Gay Elected Official To Marry

Last Monday at a Puerto Rican restaurant, Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer was presented with an engagement ring and a marriage proposal from his long-time partner. Van Bramer, despite being caught off guard, said “yes” and is now scheduled to marry Sunnyside Gardens resident Dan Hendrick next summer. The pair have been in a relationship for more than 12 years. “It did catch me by surprise even though we had talked about getting married for years,” Van Bramer said. “I was at a conference and marriage was not on my mind that day.”Van Bramer says his mother wept with joy at the news. He was elected to the City Council in 2009 after a decade as an administrator for the Queens Public Library. Prior to that he was a reporter for Gay City News.
Labels: gay weddings, NYC, NYC Council