Brian Brownshirt: Elite Hollywood Liberals Paid Cuomo To Impose Gay Marriage
"Something has to change. Not only among Democrats who care more about Hollywood's values than yours, but among Republicans who sold out marriage to cash in on big-buck Manhattan fundraisers hosted by Mayor Bloomberg.
"Thanks to each of you who responded to our alert on the Defense of Marriage Act. Now that thousands of American voters have written to their senators, the odds that the Senate will take up a repeal of DOMA have gone way down. We will continue monitoring the situation and reporting to you—whose government this is—what your representatives are doing on behalf of the values you and I hold dear." - NOM president Brian Brownshirt, predictably taking credit for something which was never ever going to happen in a million years.
RELATED: I am commanding an asteroid not to destroy the Earth at're welcome.
Labels: Andrew Cuomo, assholery, Brian Brown, fascists, hate groups, New York state, NOM, religion, Sharia Law