Main | Friday, December 09, 2011

Duggars Go Santorum

The relentless human Pez dispenser named Michelle Duggar has miscarried what would have been her 20th child. The couple seems to have taken their cue from Rick Santorum over what comes next.
At a routine check-up Thursday to find out the sex of their 20th child, their doctor was unable to find a heartbeat and told the couple they had miscarried in the second trimester. "After the appointment, we came back home and told the children," says Michelle, 45. "We had just been talking about baby names last night and they were getting excited about naming a boy or a girl. It has been a real sad disappointment." She says the family will select a name after they know if the baby was a boy or girl, and then plan to have a funeral service.
I wonder if the funeral will be on their reality show.

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