HomoQuotable - Chris Barron
"The liberal press is at it again, attempting to mischaracterize the words of a Republican Presidential candidate. Speaker Gingrich said absolutely nothing wrong in his exchange with the gay Iowa voter. Indeed, Gingrich made it clear that gay people who care about job creation, national security and a better future for our country should support his campaign. Speaker Gingrich handled himself with class and dignity in this discussion with the gay voter and the press reports that have reported otherwise have done a real disservice to the truth." - Former GOProud head Chris Barron.
The head of Log Cabin Republicans also slammed press coverage of Gingrich telling a gay man to "vote for Obama" if his primary interest was gay rights. That prompted Stonewall Democrats to say: "Finally, Log Cabin Republicans and GOProud can agree on something. Sadly, that something is a desperate attempt to explain away Newt Gingrich’s distaste for gay people."
Labels: Christopher Barron, GOProud, homocons, HomoQuotable, LCR, Newt Gingrich