MINNESOTA: Catholic Bishop Issues Prayer Against The Civil Rights Of Gay Americans
The Star-Tribune reports:
In an effort to promote the passage of the marriage amendment to the state's Constitution, Twin Cities Archbishop John Nienstedt wants Catholics to recite a special prayer during mass. He’s also urging area Catholics “to embrace Fridays as a particular day of prayer and sacrifice for the success of this most current struggle to defend marriage with our civil constitution. Without such deliberate prayers and sacrifices, our efforts will be in vain. But with God, all things are possible.”(Tipped by JMG reader South)
“Much rides on the success of our struggle to defend marriage,” according to Nienstedt, who made the comments in a letter posted on the archdiocese’s website. It’s the latest effort by Minnesota church leaders urging Catholics to support passage of the proposed amendment, which calls for a ban on gay marriage. This fall, the state’s Catholic bishops took the unusual step of directing parish priests across the state to form committees to help get the marriage amendment passed by voters in November 2012.
Labels: Catholic Church, hate groups, Minnesota