Main | Wednesday, December 28, 2011

NOM's Hate Blogger Named To "Most Amazing Catholics Of 2011" List

Adding to the mountain of evidence that NOM is a de facto Catholic organization, the Catholic Herald has named NOM blogger Thomas Peters as one of their "Ten Most Amazing Catholics Of The Year."

Aside from his blogging duties for NOM, Peters works for the American Principles Project, the anti-gay organization created by NOM co-founder and "chairman emeritus" Robert George. (You may recall that it was the APP that led the calls to boycott CPAC over GOProud's participation.) George is one of the authors of the Manhattan Declaration, which calls on all Christians to disobey any law protecting LGBT citizens from discrimination.

RELATED: Peters' father is the Vatican's senior American adviser. Earlier this year he called for the excommunication of NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo over the legalization of same-sex marriage.

ALSO RELATED: It's been almost a month and still not a peep from NOM about having been busted for secretly funding the campaign of fellow Catholic Newt Gingrich.

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