Main | Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Perkins: Obama Endorses Dog Fucking

"Believe me, I would like to talk about something else too. But the policies of the Obama administration have opened a Pandora's Box of perversion. Maybe the White House couldn't respond to the question, because it didn't have an answer. After all, the administration has already welcomed at least one offender into its ranks. Last Thursday, an official with the Centers for Disease Control was back at work, despite being charged with two counts of child molestation and bestiality.

"According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Dr. Kimberly Lindsey, a deputy director with the CDC, has resumed her duties while she awaits trial. A police spokesman confirmed that 'During the investigation, evidence was recovered that led to the bestiality charge.' Unfortunately, this kind of abuse is more prevalent than people think. And this administration is not only ignoring it, but knowingly protecting employees who practice it. These are the consequences of a society where anything goes. Eventually, even the vilest cultural taboos are tolerated." - Family Research Council head and KKK affiliate Tony Perkins.

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