Quote Of The Day - Ronald Wilson
"Rather than teach the required economics curriculum for which he is paid, McDowell, with the full knowledge of school officials, used his position of authority to promote his homosexual agenda at taxpayers' expense. This case points out the outrageous way in which homosexual activists have turned our public schools into indoctrination centers, and are seeking to eradicate all religious and moral opposition to their agenda. It defies common sense for schools to ban all sorts of unhealthy foods while at the same time promoting the homosexual lifestyle, which hard statistics show increases drug abuse, suicides and reduces the life expectancies by several years. Schools that promote such lifestyles are engaging in a form of child abuse." - Ronald Wilson, of the Thomas More Center.
Wilson's hate group is suing Michigan high school teacher Jay McDowell and his school district, claiming that McDowell threw a student out of class for "denouncing homosexuality." McDowell had first asked the student to remove a Confederate flag belt buckle, saying it was offensive to other students.
Labels: education, hate groups, Michigan