Main | Sunday, January 08, 2012

Bishop Demetrio Fernandez: The UN Wants To Turn Half The World Into Homosexuals

Taking advantage of the landslide election of Spain's right-wing Popular Party, the Catholic Church is ramping up its call for the repeal of same-sex marriage. Because the United Nations has a secret plan to turn half of the world gay! SRSLY.
During his Boxing Day sermon, the Bishop of Córdoba, Demetrio Fernández, said there was a conspiracy by the United Nations. "The Minister for Family of the Papal Government, Cardinal Antonelli, told me a few days ago in Zaragoza that UNESCO has a program for the next 20 years to make half the world population homosexual. To do this they have distinct programs, and will continue to implant the ideology that is already present in our schools."
On Friday, Archbishop Antonio Rouco Varela held a massive open-air rally in Madrid's Plaza Colon, where he exhorted the crowd to press the new government to end gay marriage.

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