FRC Launches Girl Scout Cookies Boycott

"Last year, the Girl Scouts decided to admit boys who dress as girls--which shouldn't come as a surprise, says FRC's Cathy Ruse, since they have a cross-dresser in their front office. And that's not all. Earlier this month, a Girl Scout employee made the mistake of stopping by the office to do extra work on her own time in a T-shirt [that said] 'Pray to End Abortion.' A supervisor ordered her to turn the shirt inside out or leave the office. She left, for good. So, says Cathy Ruse, should we all." - Family Research Council head Tony Perkins, speaking today on his radio show.
FACT CHECK: Right Wing Watch points out that the Girls Scouts do not have any relationship with Planned Parenthood, but as we've seen here hundreds of times, easily disproved lies are no problem for Christianists.
Labels: bigotry, Family Reseach Council, hate groups, LGBT youth, religion, Tony Perkins, transgender issues